Kids' Workshop

"I was in the Kids' Workshop™ when I was nine and now I am twenty one. It was obviously very important to me, because it is the most vivid of my childhood memories and I remember the activities in detail and the feeling of how much they helped me and how good I felt. "

Training Program

"The Kids' Workshop™  is for all kids of all social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. No category or group of kids is targeted, and no kids are left out. Included in the workshop exercises are ones which help develop and foster multiculturalism as an extension of empathy and trust."

Ways of Wortking with Childern

All of the seminars and workshops are cross-cultural in intent and encourage intercultural communications. "The workshop gave me new insight, not only with children but life as well, and it was close to my own Native American beliefs and valued all people of all races. --Navajo workshop participant."




Positive Ways of Working with Children

Workshop on positive ways of working with children in any situation and helping them to keep and express the person center qualities of acceptance, appreciation of differences, trust and congruency they have within themselves. 

This workshop is presented through interactive activities and visual aids. It is extremely helpful for teachers, parents, social workers, doctors, business people or anyone working in the world of children.   This workshop can be presented in a three hour or one day time period.  “Every child is born with innate wisdom. The role of adults-parents, educators, social workers and policymakers-is to nurture this wisdom and enable it to flourish.”   PCCS Books


little girl picture




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