



The Kids'Workshop™


Kids’ Workshop™ “A kids’ workshop is a place where children are understood and where they can be themselves.” Savina, age 6, to her friend  The Kids’ Workshop™ is designed to help children recognize and nurture the person centered qualities of trust, empathy, acceptance, and congruence that they have within themselves from the time of birth.   The workshops are presented through interactive activities such as art, music, movement, storytelling and role-playing.

Children enjoy the workshops and want to repeat them over and over. The workshops empower children to express their thoughts and feelings in a clear straight way, have high self-confidence, be resilient and express their creativity and appreciation of nature. They help children to keep and reinforce these qualities as they grow.  They also help children to communicate across cultures and to delight in differences in themselves and others.  We have presented Kids’ Workshops for many years in Italy, France, the Navajo Nation and the USA in private schools, public schools, refugee camps, with gypsy children on the streets and in all of these situations the quotes we received from the children are much the same. 

The workshops are mainly for children from ages 3 to 12 but teenagers also appreciate them.  They are flexible but are usually presented in two hour segments once a week for six to eight weeks.  Children receive a workbook so that they can continue the activities at home.



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