Communication Workshops for Corporate Employees
There are numerous stresses on today's working men and women, particularly around the issues of parenting. People are struggling to create a healthy balance between work and family.
We enjoy working with companies whose concern it is to recognize the emotional and family needs of their employees and to provide a healthy atmosphere for personal growth. The workshops aim at reducing stress by enhancing communication among managers, employees, and their families.
The program is presented through experiential activities, suggestions on positive communication with children and others, and time for questions. The standard workshop or seminar is designed to be presented in a four to eight hour format but can be arranged to fit into a time frame that is most convenient for your company.
"In your presentation to Hewlett-Packard the audience was very interested, asked practical suggestions, and found your talk to be concise, helpful, and thought-provoking. We would like further presentations." --Laurie Johnson, Regional Director, EAP, Inc.