Kids' Workshop

"I was in the Kids' Workshop™ when I was nine and now I am twenty one. It was obviously very important to me, because it is the most vivid of my childhood memories and I remember the activities in detail and the feeling of how much they helped me and how good I felt. "

Training Program

"The Kids' Workshop™  is for all kids of all social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. No category or group of kids is targeted, and no kids are left out. Included in the workshop exercises are ones which help develop and foster multiculturalism as an extension of empathy and trust."

Ways of Wortking with Childern

All of the seminars and workshops are cross-cultural in intent and encourage intercultural communications. "The workshop gave me new insight, not only with children but life as well, and it was close to my own Native American beliefs and valued all people of all races. --Navajo workshop participant."





carl rogers

"I have had extensive contact with Barbara Williams, intensively in workshops and also through considerable correspondence, andI have followed her work carefully. I believe that the workshops conducted by her for young children are a truly innovative idea, and are very helpful in promoting development and personal growth. Young children are especially open to such experiences and profit very much from them. Very positive changes have resulted from this workshop. I see it as something which could be used as a significant preventive measure. "

--- A Way of Being

CARL ROGERS: American clinical and research psychologist who received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University by 1931 and received many honorary doctorates and awards. He is the originator of the Client Center Therapy and Person Centered Approach. These ideas led to a theory of effective communication, which informed his practical work and theoretical studies in education, business, government, and the quest for peace. He was a member and co-founder of the Center for the Studies of the Person and director of the Carl Rogers Peace Institute. Before his death he was nominated for the Nobel Peace award.

"When you described your Kids' Workshops to me, I thought that it could be that way with all children, if everyone knew, felt, and behaved as you do. What you offer children cannot be bought for money. "

virginiaVIRGINIA SATIR: An internationally renowned teacher and master therapist and a pioneer in the field of family therapy. She was active in the (American) Association for Humanistic Psychology, founder of the Avanta Network, and cofounder of the Mental Research Institute. She accomplished her groundbreaking work in family therapy, the theory of effective communication, and the etiology of schizophrenia in association with Gregory Bateson, an American anthropologist and one of the fathers of cybernetics. Her therapeutic techniques were later the subject of studies by the founders of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Bandler and J. Grinder. In her later years, she conducted workshops world - wide and worked closely with Native Americans in the Western U.S.A.


Barbara and Carl Rogers

"I consider Barbara and Heather‘s work to be focused on issues of no little importance, especially today, in a world in tumultuous changes… it makes sense to trust, protect and promote the innate capacities of our children to be fully human.  By doing so we may re-learn from them the importance of connectedness and how we live our lives in establishing healthy relationships with the life within us and around us, in the here and now.” Alberto Zucconi

In a workshop in La Jolla with Carl Rogers, a person asked him what was the most important thing we could do to promote peace in the world and he said, “the most important thing is working with children like the work that Barbara Williams is doing with children.” Carl Rogers. President Institute for the person centered approach, Italy.

“Speak straight so that your words may go as sunshine to my heart." Cochise, Apache Chief 1866

“When you told me about your work with children I thought of the way Carl Rogers works with the adults. Why wait until then?”  Barry Stevens






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